Being Vulnerable
I have a really hard time with being vulnerable. I was raised to keep my life private. As I got older, a need for privacy seemed to be more and more necessary. Vindictive exes and baby-daddy-drama has put me against…
Calm in the Chaos
A lesson in learning that your child's chaos is really your calm. Finding balance in calm and hyper can lead to a beautiful discovery.
Goodbye 2019- You Won’t Be Missed
I’ve been through many things these past few years, but I have learned to be grateful for the things I have had to endure. They are certainly teaching me what to look forward to in the future.
It’s Not September Until School Starts
When does September start for you? Days are getting cooler on the East Coast, and kids are heading back to school.
Begin Showering Your Mind
Begin expanding your mind while in the shower. A simple, yet effective way to raise your consciousness.
How to Have an Epic Monday
Three ways to have an epic Monday, so you can have an amazing week.