How to Have an Epic Monday
Some kids are just heading back to school from Spring Break and other are just starting it (at least they are in NJ). No matter where you are, tomorrow is Monday and that’s the start to a new week.
Change Your Mindset
While this is true, many people dread Monday. It’s the start of the work week, the weekend is over, party time has ended. Changing the way you view Monday will make a huge difference on the rest of your week. Just think of how many babies are born on Monday. I bet you know a Monday baby!
People start new jobs on Monday to kickstart their week. New tasks and projects are launched on Mondays. Viewing Monday as a bummer kicks off the mood for the week the same way.
Wake Up On the Right Side
Upon rising (on any given day) wake up with a smile. You’ve been given another day, another chance to right the things that were wrong from yesterday.
Before you get out of bed, open your eyes and just stare. Find the first thing you can focus you’re eyes on and stare at it. Take a deep breath in through your nose, close your eyes, and release the breath through your mouth. Open your eyes again and repeat this two more times.
The intentional inhale/exhale stimulates the brain to “wake up” while your eyes gently get used to the change in lighting.
Plan a Mid-week Party
Not the type of party with balloons and booze, but a small celebration. Find something small you can entertain yourself with on Wednesday night. Maybe a dinner out at a vegetarian restaurant or a movie. Choose something to break up the week and you can look forward to. Being a constant robot- Work, Sleep, Eat, Repeat- gets so boring. Throw in something to look forward to and you can change Monday to be something you actually look forward to.
Stay Away from Motivational Monday
There’s something to be said about all those “Motivation Monday” posts on Instagram and Twitter. People have a habit of posting things that they think will make them or someone else feel better. They have a tendency to backfire though because people see them, get disappointed because they either wish/want/desire/envy those type of goals, and then fall into a funk for the ret of the day.
If you want to get on a roll with Motivation Monday, make it your motivation. Pick out a mantra that you want to carry throughout the week on Sunday night. Write it down, make a post, change your status, whatever you want to do with it. Then don’t look back. There’s no reason to view other people’s motivation posts, when you have your own.
Mondays can feel like a drag or they can feel awesome. It’s how you set them up. Sure the weekend was fun and you got to sleep late, but Monday is when the magic happens!
How will you make your Monday epic?