It’s Only the Beginning
I am not new to writing, blogging, photography or my topics. But I do want to do this right the first time. For me, the beginning of setting up a blog is always a time of sampling. Like going into Costco and seeing that lady stand at the end of the frozen food case with hotdog bites. It’s like, ‘yea I want to avoid her, but I am so curious to just try it out’.
That’s what setting up a blog is like for me. I try out different colors, fonts, and layouts, until I find something that just strikes me perfectly. It’s a tough time for me to find what exactly makes me happy, but is aesthetically pleasing to my readers.
The worst part (is it so bad though?) is that I do all my changes in a Live way. So that means when you come to my blog tomorrow, it may look completely different on Monday. I’m ok with that. Live changes reflect who I am.
Everyday we change. Our perspective changes, or looks change, our environment changes, and now my blog changes. It’s not to say it’s going to be like that forever, but until I find a theme, layout, font, and color palette that reflects me, it will change.
All I’m asking is that, as the reader, please be patient with the changes. The content will be interesting and informative. And I promise that down the line there will be more interactive aspects that will be a part of The Magical World of Jessicorn.
Love & Light.
Diane Garth
I’m excited,I can’t wait to see the magic of your new adventure come alive. Well Done !!🙂
The Jessicorn
Thank you Diane! I appreciate your support.