Merry Mabon and 2019 Autumn Blessings
I love Autumn! It’s my favorite season! I wait all year for the beauty and comfort that comes from all things in Autumn. Mabon is the Autumn Equinox where the days light and darkness are equal. It’s a time to take in all that’s been harvested and grown throughout the year. It is also a great time to thank Mother Earth for all that she provides in the air, water, and earth.

On of my favorite aspects of Mabon is tha balance that it offers. The concept of day and night being the same length definitely represents duality at it’s finest. The season alone is both warm and cool, with hourly variations in temperature. Traditional foods that are served during the autumn season are apples, pumpkin, squash, and grains. These foods are so bountiful at this time of year and can be made into so many dishes both served hot or cold. The leaves that once were green and bright, are now becoming brown, yellow, and orange the colors that signify that they have reached their peak of life. It’s the celebration of life and death. It is literally finding the balance in everything in our lives.
Mabon Balance Prayer
Equal hours of light and darkness
we celebrate the balance of Mabon,
and ask the gods to bless us.
For all that is bad, there is good.
For that which is despair, there is hope.
For the moments of pain, there are moments of love.
For all that falls, there is the chance to rise again.
May we find balance in our lives
as we find it in our hearts.
If you do a quick Google search for Autumn activities, you can find hundreds of different activities that you can do alone, with friends, kids, or family. Below are a few of my own suggestions with how I plan on implementing some Mabon Magic in my home this weekend.
- Preparing spaghetti squash as a pasta dish. I love making this recipe because it’s so easy and extremely healthy!
- Picking pumpkins and gourds (real or fake) to display on a altar by my window.
- My son and I will participate in an evening of grounding and prayer. I want him to understand the significance of light and dark. So we will stand outside in the grass and perform a grounding ritual where we feel the earth below our feet and look up at the light of the moon.
- We will make our own home fragrance on the stovetop with natural ingredients.