20 Things to Do in 2020
I’m not big on making resolutions or bucket lists, I never have been. Probably because anyone who knows me, knows I have a hard time sticking with sh!t. However, there is a difference with making a ‘To-Do List’. I make a list for just about anything because where ever I can celebrate a small victory, I take it. Listen, if I’m having a rough week, you bet your butt I’m going to add shower to that list. Barely even dry, I walk over to my list and check it off. :::Sigh::: The feeling of accomplishment
I attended a live Facebook chat with Robert Zink, my Miracle Mentor, where he said one specific thing that I will never, ever forget.
Get up and make your bed every morning. If there is nothing else that gets accomplished that day, you will have known that you completed one thing- making your bed.
Although it’s not verbatim, I still hold his message so very close to me. There’s some days where I don’t make my bed, and feel really guilty about it, but I try not to be so hard on myself.
I’m not going to add make my bed to my 20 in 2020 list, but read on for some cool ideas.
- Yoga- I’ve started with a 30 day challenge just to get my body back in to the stretches and poses. Yoga builds muscle and really centers yourself for the entire day. Check out my Instagram and follow along with my 30 day challenge.
- Hydrate- I am a coffee drinker, and that’s not going to change. I’m also a water drinker. So rather than upping my intake past 60 ounces a day, I am striving to maintain my habit of 60 ounces a day.
- Daily Tarot Card Pull- I got on board with Biddy Tarot and purchased her 2020 Biddy Tarot Planner. I’m absolutely loving it! Every day I do a tarot pull and record and reflect in the planner.
- New Moon/Full Moon Card Readings- This is another fun tarot pull that connects you with the new and full moons throughout the year. Tonight marks the first full moon of 2020, the Wolf Moon in Cancer.
- Budget- After a slippery slope in the last two months of 2019, I have fully learned my lesson to “Live Within My Means”. A saying that a smart, handsome, drool-worthy man once told me I needed to follow.
- QT with my Cutie- My Peanut loves spending time with me. Sometimes, I only give him 70% of my attention. Whatever! Look away Perfect Patty, don’t judge! I plan on being fully engaged with him while he talks, plays, and needs me. Our lives are busy, yes, but they are never too busy to not fully take advantage of what our children have to show us.
- Skin Care- Taking care of my skin is generally a daily things for me. But again, life happens. So the goal is to not just take care of my skin, but be more consciousness of how often I do. So that means my new Gua Sha will be getting a lot of use.
- Read- So far we’re not even halfway through January and I’ve already completed 5 books. I’ve set my reading challenge on Goodreads to 24 books, but it’s likely I will surpass that.
- Lifetime Movie Club Addict- So I feel like this is a loser-type item, but I am totally loving the LifeTime Movie club subscription. I love watching movies and I’m not really in to trendy movies and new releases, so this gives me the right entertainment.
- Listen to audiobooks- I love reading, but recently I have spent more time listening to audiobooks. I am loving how I can wash dishes and listen to my book at the same time. I am going crazy finding new genres to listen to. Be on the lookout for some reviews of my latest reads.
- Donate- I am not in the financial position to be donating money to organizations, however I am looking forward to getting rid of my unused items and donating them to people who can use them.
- Decorate- I am not Martha Stewart, and it’s safe to say my interior decorating skills are low. But I am trying to make my space a little bit happier. I’d like to walk in to one corner of a room in my house where I feel like it’s comfy, cozy, and sacred.
- Sleep- So for someone like me, ahem- the Nap Queen, sleep is really a non-issue. What the problem is, is ending my day and going to sleep. Can spend hours in bed reading, listening to music, playing a game. but when the time comes to sleep, I have to actually force myself to turn off the light and go to sleep.
- Enjoy the Outdoors- I have been wanting to hike for a while now. I have never formally hiked, but I love walking trails and seeing the trees and leaves. Minus the bugs.
- Digital Detox- Once ever month I plan on dedicating a weekend at least one weekend each month to digitally detoxing. No phone. No social media. No tv. Just a book, tea, and comfy clothes.
- Power Hour- I have always wanted to have a morning routine. I want to wake up excited to start the day. I want to feel awake and alive. So I am working on my Power Hour every morning. It’s one hour where I have a productive, peaceful time.
- Blogging- Well, I guess I’m off to a good start with that one! I plan on being more consistent with my blogging. I truly love blogging. I also get great ideas, but finding the time to write them can be difficult.
- Expect Less- I know this one sounds a but cynical, but building up an expectation can potentially create disappointment.When someone or something does not meet our expectations, we feel let down, upset, and generally disappointed. I am letting go of expecting things, all it does is build a predicted outcome, one which I may have no control over.
- Experiment with Different Foods- I’m not a gourmet cook, heck, my food is borderline edible. But I do plan on trying different ingredients or foods for variety. I recently bought oat milk creamer for my coffee and really like it! So I dedicate this one to oat milk.
- Be Kind- I am a really nice person. I never intentionally mean to hurt people. I keep my answers as honest as possible. If I’m not living my true self, who am I living? It can be hard to be seen as kind though. So this one here is not about me being nicer to people. It is about being nice in a way that people can recognize. Learning their language of love and doing what they feel is kind.
2020 looks like it should be a big year. The number is two 20’s. It’s a second decade in a new millennium. Heck, it takes me far past the 80’s that I grew up in. Each day is what you make it. Each day is the beginning of starting something new, profound, and beautiful.